This Week at Calvary
Sunday, March 23
8:45 am Contemporary Worship Service (live on Facebook)
10:00 am Small Groups
Worship Service on 105.9 FM
11:05 am Traditional Worship Service
12:15 pm Fellowship Dinner in the FLC
6:00 pm Adult Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)
6:00 pm Youth Bible Study (Basement)
Tuesday, March 25
9:30 am Grief Share (Fellowship Hall)
1:00 pm Clothing room open until 3:00 pm
Wednesday, March 26
9:30 am Memories in the making (Fellowship Hall)
6:30 pm Adult Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)
6:30 pm Kingdom Kids (FLC)
Thursday, March 27
12:00 pm Young at Heart Lunch
1:00 pm Clothing room open until 3:00 pm
Sunday, March 30 (Communion and Benevolence)
8:45 am Contemporary Worship Service (live on Facebook)
10:00 am Small Groups
Worship Service on 105.9 FM
11:05 am Traditional Worship Service
6:00 pm Mission Celebration Service